【免費參加】 數碼睿智營商 + 網絡安全「一take過」???? 想幫公司升級數碼化又驚複雜?想搞好網絡安全又唔知點入手????? 快啲參加 *生產力局「數碼不求人」平台* 同 *香港中小型企業總商會* 合辦嘅「中小企睿智營商及網絡安全方案展覽日」! 2024年8月28日(星期三) ⏰ 下午2時30分至5時30分 九龍達之路78號 生產力大樓地下SME One Foyer 精彩內容 - 網絡安全專家教你築起銅牆鐵壁 - 專家探討「人機合一」,提升員工智能化生產力 - 數碼轉型成功案例分享 超過15個數碼方案展位,劃分5大職能區域:1️⃣人力資源、2️⃣財務與行政、3️⃣客戶服務、4️⃣銷售與市場營銷、5️⃣網路安全 想成為「智勝」企業?即刻報名啦!http://u.hkpc.org/bc9 【Free Event】Empowering SMEs for Digital Transformation: Smart Growth and Resilience Solution Day on 28th August (Wednesday). Please click on the picture to reach the registration page. |

中小企國際聯盟 x 香港中文大學創業校友會 x Guru Online 三方聯辦TikTok Shop 跨境電商諮詢座談會 諮詢座談提供品牌免費TikTok Shop 開店服務,免費TikTok 廣告帳號開戶,及品牌跨境物流,支付等深入諮詢 活動日期- 8月13日 (星期二) | 下午:4pm-6pm | 地點:觀塘
SME Global Alliance & CU Alumni Entrepreneur Association & GuruOnline co-organize a Tiktop Shop Cross-border E-commerce Seminar To provide in depth information on Tiktok Shop Opening, Advertising, Logistics, Payment, etc. for Brands Date: 13th August (TUE) in the afternoon: 4pm-6pm at Kwun Tong |

年度創科盛事 BGOV2024 將載譽歸來,以 「數字經濟引領商業躍進」 為主題,展示人工智能、金融科技、零售及行銷科技、永續及網絡安全技術等最新商業應用。近100場論壇雲集超過120位業界領袖分享行業趨勢及見解。 BGOV 2024 themed "Elevate Your Business with Tech Innovations" will make its grand return, showcasing the latest in AI, FinTech and Retail & Marketing Technology, Tech for Sustainability & Cybersecurity. Join nearly 100 forums featuring over 120 industry leaders discuss key trends. 2024.7.11-12 HKCEC Please register now 請立即登記 |

Please join this recruitment seminar on 13th June by clicking at the picture. 立即參加「2024香港資訊及通訊科技獎 :資訊科技初創企業獎」招募日「 #AI #初創浪潮:開創未來商機」 |

2024年度DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎現正徵集參加作品,凡於優惠期完結之前報名可享報名費半價優惠,切勿錯過!請按圖查詢詳情。 DFA Design for Asia Awards (DFA DFAA) 2024 is calling for submission! Entrants can enjoy 50% off on the entry fee by submitting their entries before the end of the discount offer period. Be sure not to miss the time-limited offer! Please press the picture for more information. |

The 2023-24 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI) is now open for entries. Hong Kong companies in the manufacturing and services sectors are invited to join. The 2023-24 HKAI comprises five categories, namely “Consumer Product Design”, “Equipment and Machinery Design”, “Customer Service”, “Innovation and Creativity” and “Upgrading and Transformation”. The closing date for entries is 7 June 2024. Please press the picture for more information. 2023-24香港工商業獎現已接受報名,歡迎從事製造業及服務業的香港公司參加。2023-24香港工商業獎設有五個獎項組別,分別為「消費產品設計」、「設備及機械設計」、「顧客服務」、「創意」和「升級轉型」。截止報名日期為2024年6月7日。請按圖查詢詳情。 |
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